Russian as a foreign language

Our Teaching Methods

Good communication is the key to achieving many goals in life and this is the same with teaching the Russian language. We base our methods for student learning on modern communicative methods such as role play and with games and we also combine them with more traditional ways of teaching.

However rest assured our teaching process is based on the understanding of the language system and not on the learning by heart of difficult grammar rules. We help make understanding the Russian language a core skill and to achieve this teachers use a unique system of grammar exercises - with visual and audio techniques - that have been designed and developed only for use by our Center.

Being eminent in their field many of the books and text books used by the RLC have been designed and written by its team of professional teachers. But it is the ability of the Center’s teachers, the way they use this material and how they tailor it for each person which makes all the difference. Within no time a person is working on his or her tailored practical language course that will help achieve rapid success in a comfortable and interesting way.  

Тel.: +7 (495) 695-33-40      Fax: +7 (495) 695-30-81  


Our address:121069, Moscow,

Khlebniy pereulok, 19B, floor 5

курсы русского языка для иностранцев,

курсы русского языка как иностранного

Русский English Français